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“Be still and know that I am God.”

Psalm 46:10

“The method is summed up in the words ‘Be still’.”

Ramana Maharshi


“Be still and know that I am God.”

Psalm 46:10

“The method is summed up in the words ‘Be still’.”

Ramana Maharshi


“Be still and know that I am God.”

Psalm 46:10

“The method is summed up in the words ‘Be still’.”

Ramana Maharshi


“Be still and know that I am God.”

Psalm 46:10

“The method is summed up in the words ‘Be still’.”

Ramana Maharshi

Out of silence, out of stillness, all has arisen and all will return to it. Silence sustains us.  Silence sustains all.

It is behind everything we think, say, do, and feel. Silence resides also within us.

It is in our hearts. It is our true centre, our core, and our essence. When we delve into silence, we know that we are and we begin to know who we are.

Silence is the source of true insight and knowingness. Knowing the truth that is in our hearts will liberate our mind from the bondage of thinking and make it into the marvellous tool of seeing it is meant to be. It will put us in touch with wisdom.

Out of silence, out of stillness, all has arisen and all will return to it. Silence sustains us.  Silence sustains all.

It is behind everything we think, say, do, and feel. Silence resides also within us.

It is in our hearts. It is our true centre, our core, and our essence. When we delve into silence, we know that we are and we begin to know who we are.

Silence is the source of true insight and knowingness. Knowing the truth that is in our hearts will liberate our mind from the bondage of thinking and make it into the marvellous tool of seeing it is meant to be. It will put us in touch with wisdom.

Out of silence, out of stillness, all has arisen and all will return to it. Silence sustains us.  Silence sustains all.

It is behind everything we think, say, do, and feel. Silence resides also within us.

It is in our hearts. It is our true centre, our core, and our essence. When we delve into silence, we know that we are and we begin to know who we are.

Silence is the source of true insight and knowingness. Knowing the truth that is in our hearts will liberate our mind from the bondage of thinking and make it into the marvellous tool of seeing it is meant to be. It will put us in touch with wisdom.

Out of silence, out of stillness, all has arisen and all will return to it. Silence sustains us.  Silence sustains all.

It is behind everything we think, say, do, and feel. Silence resides also within us.

It is in our hearts. It is our true centre, our core, and our essence. When we delve into silence, we know that we are and we begin to know who we are.

Silence is the source of true insight and knowingness. Knowing the truth that is in our hearts will liberate our mind from the bondage of thinking and make it into the marvellous tool of seeing it is meant to be. It will put us in touch with wisdom.