







Why E21C

About Us







into energy

When we go on a journey we leave behind our habitual environment and enter something new. This opens the mind and nourishes the heart. We regularly organise trips to sacred places and places of power throughout Europe that last about a week. On our journeys we visit places of energy and sacred places, but also works of art with great energy, sacred woods, sources, gardens and energy vortices in nature. All of these let us participate in their own special energies. They permit us to enter extraordinary states of consciousness.

We plan our journeys according to a pattern that activates our own energy centres. It is a real energy pilgrimage. The places we visit will help us get to know our energy perception and to calibrate it finely. They contribute to our inner growth. The impressions gained from such places are inextinguishable. They are energetic realities. Everybody is welcome to join.

Rocamadour, Dordogne Valley, France
Dome of Florence with Baptistery


into energy

When we go on a journey we leave behind our habitual environment and enter something new. This opens the mind and nourishes the heart. We regularly organise trips to sacred places and places of power throughout Europe that last about a week. On our journeys we visit places of energy and sacred places, but also works of art with great energy, sacred woods, sources, gardens and energy vortices in nature. All of these let us participate in their own special energies. They permit us to enter extraordinary states of consciousness.

We plan our journeys according to a pattern that activates our own energy centres. It is a real energy pilgrimage. The places we visit will help us get to know our energy perception and to calibrate it finely. They contribute to our inner growth. The impressions gained from such places are inextinguishable. They are energetic realities. Everybody is welcome to join.

Rocamadour, Dordogne Valley, France
Dome of Florence with Baptistery


into energy

When we go on a journey we leave behind our habitual environment and enter something new. This opens the mind and nourishes the heart. We regularly organise trips to sacred places and places of power throughout Europe that last about a week. On our journeys we visit places of energy and sacred places, but also works of art with great energy, sacred woods, sources, gardens and energy vortices in nature. All of these let us participate in their own special energies. They permit us to enter extraordinary states of consciousness.

We plan our journeys according to a pattern that activates our own energy centres. It is a real energy pilgrimage. The places we visit will help us get to know our energy perception and to calibrate it finely. They contribute to our inner growth. The impressions gained from such places are inextinguishable. They are energetic realities. Everybody is welcome to join.

Rocamadour, Dordogne Valley, France
Dome of Florence with Baptistery


into energy

When we go on a journey we leave behind our habitual environment and enter something new. This opens the mind and nourishes the heart. We regularly organise trips to sacred places and places of power throughout Europe that last about a week. On our journeys we visit places of energy and sacred places, but also works of art with great energy, sacred woods, sources, gardens and energy vortices in nature. All of these let us participate in their own special energies. They permit us to enter extraordinary states of consciousness.

We plan our journeys according to a pattern that activates our own energy centres. It is a real energy pilgrimage. The places we visit will help us get to know our energy perception and to calibrate it finely. They contribute to our inner growth. The impressions gained from such places are inextinguishable. They are energetic realities. Everybody is welcome to join.

Rocamadour, Dordogne Valley, France
Dome of Florence with Baptistery

A deeply

transformative experience

In recent decades we have been on numerous journeys to energetic places in France, Germany, Italy, England, Portugal and northern Spain, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary. All of them were deeply transformative and inspiring experiences.

Our journeys are well prepared and researched both in terms of the energies we will encounter and historical details. At the beginning of each journey participants receive a text with relevant information. The site seeing programs are conceived with a lot of experience and attention to detail. Each journey is carefully organized to ensure a comfortable and unforgettable experience.

Our Lady of Fatima, Valhinos Sanctuary
Hermitage of brother Nicolaus, the Saint of Flueli Ranft, Switzerland

A deeply

transformative experience

In recent decades we have been on numerous journeys to energetic places in France, Germany, Italy, England, Portugal and northern Spain, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary. All of them were deeply transformative and inspiring experiences.

Our journeys are well prepared and researched both in terms of the energies we will encounter and historical details. At the beginning of each journey participants receive a text with relevant information. The site seeing programs are conceived with a lot of experience and attention to detail. Each journey is carefully organized to ensure a comfortable and unforgettable experience.

Our Lady of Fatima, Valhinos Sanctuary
Hermitage of brother Nicolaus, the Saint of Flueli Ranft, Switzerland

A deeply

transformative experience

In recent decades we have been on numerous journeys to energetic places in France, Germany, Italy, England, Portugal and northern Spain, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary. All of them were deeply transformative and inspiring experiences.

Our journeys are well prepared and researched both in terms of the energies we will encounter and historical details. At the beginning of each journey participants receive a text with relevant information. The site seeing programs are conceived with a lot of experience and attention to detail. Each journey is carefully organized to ensure a comfortable and unforgettable experience.

Our Lady of Fatima, Valhinos Sanctuary
Hermitage of brother Nicolaus, the Saint of Flueli Ranft, Switzerland

A deeply

transformative experience

In recent decades we have been on numerous journeys to energetic places in France, Germany, Italy, England, Portugal and northern Spain, Switzerland, Austria and Hungary. All of them were deeply transformative and inspiring experiences.

Our journeys are well prepared and researched both in terms of the energies we will encounter and historical details. At the beginning of each journey participants receive a text with relevant information. The site seeing programs are conceived with a lot of experience and attention to detail. Each journey is carefully organized to ensure a comfortable and unforgettable experience.

Our Lady of Fatima, Valhinos Sanctuary
Hermitage of brother Nicolaus, the Saint of Flueli Ranft, Switzerland