the artist within
There is an artist in each one of us. That silent core of beauty and creativity that we all share. Many of us have lost access to this inner place and forgotten it. Yet the longing for beauty and inspiration is always there. At E21C, we are dedicated to remembering the artist within through a contemplative, art-based approach to personal growth and spirituality.
The Art of self-knowledge
E21C means ‘Europe in the 21st century’. It is a non-profit initiative founded by Dr. Petia Prime in 1988. All activities of E21C have to do with art. Art has many forms. At E21C, we are mainly occupied with the art of getting to know ourselves better.
The art of self-knowledge is a spiritual art. The people who come to us are looking for insights how to live more consciously – in greater harmony with themselves, with their fellow human beings, with the natural environment. E21C is also a platform for education and creative work in the field of energy medicine. Dr. Prime has educated lay persons and professionals from all over the world in the art of 'energy medicine'. She has developed a number of sculptures. What is more, E21C is a platform for spiritual art in all its forms – poetry, painting, sculpting and music. Petia Prime has created a large body of inspired paintings and written a piece of music – the “angelic articulation”.